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U.S. Air Force Chief MSgt. Frank Batten III at a memorial in Coigny, France
U.S. Air Force Chief Master Sgt. Frank Batten III, 86th Airlift Wing commander chief, stands in front of a memorial at the Franquetot's castle here, June 7, 2014. The memorial plaque was dedicated to pilots of the 358th Fighter Wing who once lived in the castle and helped liberate France during World War II. The event was one of several commemorations of the 70th Anniversary of D-Day operations conducted by Allied forces during World War II June 5-6, 1944. Over 650 U.S. military personnel have joined troops from several NATO nations to participate in ceremonies to honor the events at the invitation of the French government. (U.S. Air Force photo/Staff Sgt. Sara Keller)

Tags: DDay, DDay75
Photo by: Staff Sgt. Sara Keller |  VIRIN: 140607-F-NH180-386.JPG