Welcome to Employee Resources, a reliable source for information about the resources, benefits and programs available to U.S. Army Europe and Africa Employees, Soldiers and Family members.
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Army in Europe Library & Publishing System (AEPUBS) The official library of authorized Army in Europe (AE) publications
Visit the Customs website to learn more about pre-clearance, NATO SOFA, home-based business and Pink Cards
Stay Safe Europe is a quick reference for emergency numbers, notification systems and travel advisories.
Those assigned to our units in Africa should click here for information on travel to the continent, theater clearances, inprocessing, medical requirements and more.
Visit the Civilian Human Resources Agency (Europe) - It delivers civilian personnel services for appropriated and non-appropriated fund United States Citizens and Local Nationals (LN) in Germany, Italy, the BeNeLux, the United Kingdom, and Romania.
Visit our Newcomers Page to find resources for joining the U.S. Army Europe and Africa family