Upcoming Telephonic Press Briefing with Brigadier General Christopher R. Norrie and Colonel Daniel George Miller, U.S. Army, and Major General Indrek Sirel, Estonian Defense Force

May 4, 2021

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MEDIA ADVISORY | Please join us on Wednesday, May 5, for a telephonic press briefing with Brigadier General Christopher R. Norrie and Colonel Daniel George Miller, U.S. Army, and Major General Indrek Sirel, Estonian Defense Force. The speakers will discuss “Fires Shock”, a series of field artillery exercises happening from May 5-June 19 in Europe and Africa in conjunction with DEFENDER-Europe 21. Fires Shock exercises will kick off in Estonia and demonstrate the rapid deployment of the M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System, a long-range precision fire system. The speakers will take questions from participating journalists.


  • Date: Wednesday, May 5
  • Time: 15:00 (Brussels) | 09:00 (Washington, DC) | 14:00 (London)
  • Language: English
  • Ground rules: ON THE RECORD
  • Dial-in Info: To be provided upon RSVP



  • Callers should dial in to the conference call 15 minutes early.
  • The operator will ask for your name, press affiliation, and location.
  • The speakers will give brief opening remarks, and then the moderator will open the floor to questions.
  • Participants will be instructed to push the “1” and “0” buttons on their phones to enter the question queue. You may also submit questions in advance via email to TheBrusselsHub@state.gov.
  • If you experience technical difficulties during the call, you may TheBrusselsHub@state.gov to alert the moderator to any issues.
  • U.S. Department of State - Brussels Media Hub