WEBVTT 00:00.009 --> 00:02.176 I'm chaplain of David Kelly . I am the 00:02.176 --> 00:04.840 command chaplain for the 10th army area , 00:04.849 --> 00:06.960 me defense Command and I am Massa and 00:06.960 --> 00:09.182 Joseph Kavanaugh , the Senior Religious 00:09.182 --> 00:10.905 affairs NCO . So we're here to 00:10.905 --> 00:12.682 celebrate the chaplain corps uh 00:12.682 --> 00:15.520 birthday . And in light of that , I'm 00:15.529 --> 00:18.120 going to quiz master Sergeant Kavanaugh 00:18.129 --> 00:20.540 on the history of the chaplain corps . 00:20.549 --> 00:22.790 So what is the birthday of the chaplain 00:22.799 --> 00:25.021 corps ? So the birthday of the chaplain 00:25.021 --> 00:28.989 corps is Ju July 29th , 1775 . So how 00:29.000 --> 00:32.220 many army chaplains have won the Mellow 00:32.229 --> 00:34.340 of honor ? So there have been seven , 00:34.340 --> 00:36.479 what is the highest award for valor 00:37.080 --> 00:40.520 given to an army chaplain during world 00:40.529 --> 00:43.360 war two ? The uh the four chaplains uh 00:43.380 --> 00:45.689 perished on the Dorchester when it was 00:45.700 --> 00:49.310 sunk . And because the medal of honor 00:49.319 --> 00:51.810 could only be awarded to somebody for 00:51.819 --> 00:55.369 combat . Special medal was created by 00:55.380 --> 00:57.547 Congress for these four chaplains that 00:57.547 --> 00:59.909 was equivalent to the medal of honor . 00:59.930 --> 01:02.208 It was called the four chaplains medal . 01:02.208 --> 01:04.263 Yeah . So the four chaplains died on 01:04.263 --> 01:06.097 the Dorchester . Uh the ship was 01:06.097 --> 01:08.041 sinking , there wasn't enough life 01:08.041 --> 01:10.208 preservers . Each one of the chaplains 01:10.208 --> 01:13.989 gave up his life fest and the last 01:14.000 --> 01:16.230 scene of the four chaplains . Were them 01:16.239 --> 01:18.540 praying and singing together as the 01:18.550 --> 01:21.319 ship went down 56 Mike . You're often 01:21.330 --> 01:24.870 called upon to , um , help recruit 01:25.099 --> 01:27.321 chaplains . What does it take to become 01:27.321 --> 01:30.550 an army chaplain ? Oh , so it's a lot 01:30.635 --> 01:33.345 paperwork , uh , to become an army 01:33.355 --> 01:36.254 chaplain . Uh , you do have to have a 01:36.264 --> 01:39.315 bachelor's degree and be in a seminary 01:39.324 --> 01:41.555 program to be a candidate or to be a 01:41.565 --> 01:43.732 chaplain . You need to have a master's 01:43.732 --> 01:47.565 degree in either uh theology or , uh 01:47.574 --> 01:49.574 you have gone to like a theological 01:49.574 --> 01:51.574 seminary . You also have to have an 01:51.574 --> 01:54.175 endorser uh like a church to , to back 01:54.184 --> 01:56.144 you uh , in your faith background .