WEBVTT 00:05.530 --> 00:08.390 I'm the regiment commander in Kano 00:08.890 --> 00:12.189 Brigade . Today , we have this like a 00:12.199 --> 00:15.640 condition , monitoring fires 00:15.970 --> 00:19.360 with the artillery battalion . And 00:19.639 --> 00:23.309 today is the first day that us air 00:23.329 --> 00:27.280 Force are using the Finnish Artillery 00:27.290 --> 00:30.079 battalion . There are fires . 00:34.680 --> 00:37.500 This exercise is a perfect example of 00:37.509 --> 00:39.970 cooper operation that we should keep on 00:39.979 --> 00:43.080 doing to get to know soldiers , get to 00:43.090 --> 00:45.779 know the finished terrain and , and 00:45.790 --> 00:48.909 circumstances and weather and so on and , 00:48.919 --> 00:51.490 and little differences in our way of 00:51.549 --> 00:55.049 doing things . But uh , I think this is 00:55.060 --> 00:58.090 something we keep on doing in the 00:58.099 --> 00:58.659 future .