WEBVTT 00:00.009 --> 00:02.980 Don't let this partying upset you . 00:05.349 --> 00:07.849 Yeah . Sweet 00:11.140 --> 00:14.409 be , I don't know . 00:15.359 --> 00:19.299 I don't know , but 00:19.350 --> 00:20.610 I , we , 00:22.659 --> 00:24.250 some sunny days 00:30.120 --> 00:33.869 keep smiling through just 00:33.880 --> 00:36.860 like you always 00:38.549 --> 00:42.299 till the blue skies drive the 00:42.310 --> 00:45.520 dark clouds far away .