WEBVTT 00:00.040 --> 00:01.040 involved . 00:05.170 --> 00:07.750 This generation liberated a continent . 00:09.600 --> 00:11.960 This generation saved people . 00:13.320 --> 00:16.150 This generation is an example of the 00:16.150 --> 00:18.372 soldiers of the First Infantry Division 00:18.440 --> 00:20.850 Today . We were able to participate in 00:20.850 --> 00:22.850 a ceremony to commemorate the first 00:22.850 --> 00:24.961 infantry divisions um accomplishments 00:24.961 --> 00:28.480 on D Day 78 years ago . It's incredibly 00:28.480 --> 00:31.740 humbling just to be able to um To sit 00:31.740 --> 00:33.573 here and embrace everything that 00:33.573 --> 00:35.796 happened that day , especially with the 00:35.796 --> 00:37.962 patch that I'm wearing and and knowing 00:37.962 --> 00:40.129 what , they what they endured 78 years 00:40.129 --> 00:42.296 ago . It's pretty special to know that 00:42.296 --> 00:44.518 americans were willing to sacrifice for 00:44.518 --> 00:47.320 our allied forces . Um when I think 00:47.320 --> 00:49.376 about that , it's selfless service , 00:49.540 --> 00:51.484 they came in and gave it their all 00:51.484 --> 00:54.160 knowing the , the chances that they had 00:54.170 --> 00:56.170 going back home were slim to none . 00:57.040 --> 00:59.820 Yesterday I spent an entire afternoon 00:59.820 --> 01:02.380 at the the american cemetery at 01:02.380 --> 01:04.602 Normandy and just just up the road from 01:04.602 --> 01:06.880 here . And that was just an incredible , 01:07.140 --> 01:09.540 incredible experience to walk the rows 01:09.540 --> 01:11.651 and reflect and think about all those 01:11.651 --> 01:13.660 lives that not only served here in 01:13.660 --> 01:15.827 Normandy but throughout throughout the 01:15.827 --> 01:17.990 war . Um , so that was incredibly 01:17.990 --> 01:20.101 humbling . And then just spending the 01:20.101 --> 01:22.046 morning yesterday on the beach and 01:22.046 --> 01:23.934 doing a couple of ceremonies , um 01:24.070 --> 01:27.830 really just make sure makes you Proud 01:27.830 --> 01:30.052 of everything that you're serving for . 01:30.052 --> 01:32.274 Um , and that we did 78 years ago , you 01:32.274 --> 01:34.330 know , no matter how hard things can 01:34.330 --> 01:36.386 get at times , no matter how much we 01:36.386 --> 01:38.680 have to endure as soldiers . Um taking 01:38.680 --> 01:42.410 the time to reflect and to come to 01:42.410 --> 01:45.060 places like this , really make you 01:45.300 --> 01:47.840 incredibly proud to serve from hell to 01:47.840 --> 01:50.660 victory . We are the fighting first . 01:51.340 --> 01:54.670 No mission too difficult , no sacrifice 01:54.670 --> 01:56.950 too great duty first .